Sunday, 18 September 2011

SaLuSa ~ Ascension Only Requires your Vibrations to Resonate with Love ~ 9~18~11


SaLuSa to me ~ Ascension Only Requires your Vibrations to Resonate with Love ~ 9~18~11

Laura: Good morning SaLuSa. Here is a question from a reader: “I have a question. I hope that I am on my path to ascension, I choose love and work on it not to judge and to live only from my heart and to spread my light if it is to be seen. I don’t know if I can make it. But this is not so important. I don’t fear nearly anything because I know that I am divinely protected. I know for sure. But I have responsibility to my children and my pets. My sons are 19, 17 and 15. They had a hard childhood due to the divorce of their parents. It is my fault to not prepare them for what is to come, I myself made a leap in my evolution during the last year this is not long. Do my children and pets have the chance to ascend with me, if I have the chance to do it? I love them and I don’t want them to leave them here without me. I don’t know if they are able to live their life alone and they don’t want to live with the father and his new family. “
SaLuSa: Good day dear friends. Please let me remind you that Ascension is a certainty for Mother Earth and for all those who chose to follow in the higher realms. All this is due to a deep fear regarding Ascension and also the sequence of events before it. As your societies are rapidly changing, it is legitimate for the collective consciousness to experience apprehensions and anxieties. We understand Mother Earth’s changes, the eco-political instability are also greatly contributing to the present sense of confusion and questioning for all of you.
This is a normal part of the process dear ones. It involves getting rid of the unnecessary; of false beliefs. We have for a long time encouraged you to question all and everybody. This goes for your own beliefs, your own attitudes and accepted received ideas. What is ahead of you all now is getting rid of all which is not true, all that is no longer required. This set of false ideas were needed in order to maintain a sense of stability in duality dear ones. As you are nearing Ascension, all that is not needed in the higher planes, will simply be left behind. This is true for your outer world, but also for your inner world dear ones.
There is much talk about Ascension. People are interested in Ascension, but there are also so many theories about it, that this has come to create a great deal of confusion and anxiety. There also seems to be division between those who believe they are worthy of Ascension and those who doubt Ascension is for them. Under these circumstances, we would recommend not to focus too much on the intellectual aspect of Ascension, but rather to feel what it means with your intuition and your heart. Dear friends, you all have memories buried in your subconscious memory of your life in the higher dimensions, when you were fully ascended beings. Turn inwards for all questions related to Ascension. Trust in yourself and have faith that your higher self, your guides and protectors will give you the answers you seek.
We are here to encourage you to develop your own understanding of Ascension and the Golden Age. We are also here to encourage you to develop your own centre of gravity, your own sense of discernment. We are not here to give you all the answers that concern you, because this process of understanding and developing yourselves is the most important part for Ascension. We encourage you to develop your own weight, so to speak. Please let go of focusing on creating division between your opinions, divisions within your groups, family and friends, and also division within your own being.
When you are living from your head, you are choosing to live in a part that is limiting for your consciousness. Your intellectual head and understanding are different from what raising your level of consciousness means. So many lightworkers fail to see this time again and again. Some believe that reading books and articles contributes to their own Ascension process and to the Ascension of others. In actual fact, just because somebody, including young children, animals or any life form, doesn’t read about it or is intellectually unaware of Ascension, does not mean that this person or life form will not ascend. Ascension means moving into a higher state of awareness, of consciousness. So animals and plants will also move up on the ladder of Ascension, along with Mother Earth.
In actual fact those who are not intellectually engaged in reading all day about Ascension are far more likely to get results before those who worry all day about it and are stuck in their intellectual centre. Living from the head, while being somewhat cut off from what is going on inside of you and around you is not what is needed at this time. This will only lead to further division and fear. What is needed now is inner unity and awakening. The time is now.
The fact of not reading articles and messages about Ascension does not mean that one is unaware of it, dear friends. Every individual’s subconscious is very aware of the coming changes. Ascension only requires your vibrations to resonate with love. This is all that is required dear friends. It is a very direct and simple process. Children are very much in line with the love vibrations, so are animals and plant life. So there is no need whatsoever to feel anxiety about Ascension dear ones.
As ascended beings your powers will be limitless dear friends. Mother Earth is looking forward to the coming Golden Age and is happy to see the waking process humanity is experiencing now. You are here to assist her in her Ascension and also to assist those around you, by just your very presence here and now. As the energies and magnetic changes will accentuate in the coming future, everybody’s faith will be put into question. We recommend you to remain anchored in your reality in order to be present, so that you can help others by just being here and now. Your body is real dear ones, so anchor your attention inside of it, experience your weight on Mother Earth, experience the wind on your face, experience your body’s aches and pains.
Experience your own fears and doubts without placing any judgement on what is seen. Experience your own fear of failure, for seeing all going on inside of you will liberate you from the walls you have erected in your mind. This is part process of shading the unnecessary or rather transforming it. You need not be afraid of it, as you will come out a lot purer and stronger from it. These energies directed towards all life on Mother Earth are cleansing and transmuting. They are contributing to your Unification from the inside out. You will experience Oness within you first, and progressively this will lead you to Oness as a human race on Earth. This in turn will bring about the Oness with your space family and much joy is on the way dear friends.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I encourage you to turn towards your inner world as much as you turn towards your outer world dear souls. Inner peace, balance and harmony will be perceived by all those around you, including Mother Earth. When you are in your heart, in the present moment, in the here and now, your vibrations are lifting all and everybody up.

Thank you
Laura Tyco

The Wall Street Occupation - News Reports List

Wall Street protest news articles - FINALLY MASS MEDIA IS REPORTING THE REAL NEWS

Media raportoi Wall Streetin valtauksesta
The Inquisitr:


ABC News:

International Business Times:



CNN (video):

The New York Times:

CBS News:




The Nation:



Ahram Online:

CBS New York:


My Fox New York:

My Fox New York (video):

Business Insider:

Blue Jersey:

NY Daily News:




The Economic Voice:

The Voice of Russia:

The Raw Story:




RT (video):

Moon Rising - Great Moon Documentry - Dark Side of the Moon is really something lol


10 questions about "Occupy Wall Street" that should be answered urgently:

1. Why are peaceful protesters being treated as if they are criminals?

2. Why are thousands of police, and SWAT teams and police dogs, being mobilized to protect Wall Street bankers?

3. Why are almost all the mainstream media outlets in America ignoring a major civil protest in the heart of New York?

4. Why do the police not pursue criminal bankers and business leaders with the same venom and force that they use when pursuing protesters who have so far done nothing wrong?

5. Why is nothing being done to address the genuine economic problems in America? Why, instead, is the old system – the one that failed disastrously in 2008 – being rebuilt brick by brick, fault by fault?

6. How much longer will the doctrine of ‘plausible denial’ be allowed to act as an excuse for widespread corruption and criminality?

7. Why (if true) was the Occupy Wall Street protest treated as a police code 1-34, which is used for riots? Are all protests now riots?

8. Why has not one banker or corporate leader emerged to talk to the protesters or debate with them?

9. Is it a coincidence that many people in the heart of the protest have had trouble getting mobile / cellphone / internet signals?

10. Does the government genuinely believe the pent-up anger and frustration will simply go away?

David Wendt ⋅ September 17, 2011
#OccupyWallStreet #takewallstreet


Priest says Hell is an invention of the church to control people with fear

John Shelby Spong

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Saturday, 17 September 2011

Keiser Report: Flaming Banks, Burned-Out Economy (E185) - Keep Listening 2nd Half

This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on massive defaults and flaming banks in America where income inequality is forcing manufacturers to change their product lines. In the second half of the show Max talks to Aaron Krowne of about mortgage lending fraud and government complicity.

New York City Protest - Occupy Wall Street

Thousands upon thousands of protesters took to the streets to kick off the Occupy Wall Street Protests. Police herded the people as if they were cattle and the media paid them no respect, but the protesters remained peaceful and paid the media no respect.

Anonymous supports peaceful protests & free speech. You have a right to be heard. Anonymous is here to help. Anonymous is not affiliated with any political party.

Its hard to tell how many people are there as this video is being uploaded, but there are many. There are many police as well. Anonymous asks the police to respect the protesters rights as the protesters respect the police duty to keep everyone safe.

Live Feed:
Live Feed:

A side note: On September 17, 1787, forty-two of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention held their final meeting. Only one item of business occupied the agenda that day, to sign the Constitution of the United States of America.

Return of The Galactic Federation 2010 - 2013 - Our Ancestors - Brothers and Sisters of Space



Pope + Queen summoned for Child Trafficking, Genocide Crimes (Audio)

Pope + Queen summoned for Child Trafficking, Genocide Crimes (Audio)

Uploaded by mamasuntwinkle on Jun 18, 2011

PART 1 of 2. Pope Joseph Ratzinger + Queen Elizabeth Windsor issued a Public Summons by the ITCCS to appear in September to answer charges of complicity in crimes against humanity, genocide + child trafficking. The Gathering Storm of Justice: From Victims to Warriors. Posted June 09, 2011 by itccs. International Movement to Stop Church and State Terror - Sept 15 - Oct 31, 2011. Tribunals to be convened in London, Dublin, Brussels and Rome on September 15, 2011
The ITCCS Executive announced today that its member organizations plan to convene opening sessions into crimes of church and state in 4 European capitals on September 15.
"These cities are all very close to the scene of the historical crimes we'll be investigating, and are home to the institutions that have been summoned to appear at our Tribunals, such as the Vatican and the Crown of England" said ITCCS Executive official Dr. Eduardo Rosario today at a gathering in London.
"We look to the European Parliament and its Human Rights courts to aid us in our deliberations, and we deliberately chose to meet in Brussels to seek such help from the European Union."

Pope Joseph Ratzinger and Queen Elizabeth Windsor have both been issued a Public Summons by the ITCCS to appear before it in September and answer charges of their complicity in crimes against humanity, genocide and child trafficking.
The ITCCS has the endorsement of over thirty organizations, including eight indigenous nations in North America and Asia, survivors of Catholic church torture in Ireland, Australia and England, and the autonomous sovereign nation of Eurostaete.
Other Tribunals associated with the ITCCS will also be convened on September 15 in Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa, Canada, in New York City, in Mexico City, and at venues in Australia to be announced.

To present first hand or expert testimony at the September 15, 2011 Tribunals at any location (London, Dublin, Brussels, Rome, Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa, Canada, in New York City, in Mexico City, and at venues in Australia) please contact:
Rev. Kevin Annett, ITCCS,, Tel: 1-250-753-3345,

Pope Joseph Ratzinger and Queen Elizabeth Windsor have both been issued a Public Summons by the ITCCS to appear before it in September and answer charges of their complicity in crimes against humanity, genocide and CHILD TRAFFICKING, as well as Elizabeth Windsor's culpability in Canadian depleted uranium (du) and radiation genocide.

See evidence of Genocide in Canada and on the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at
Watch Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on his

Part 1
Pope + Queen Summoned for Child Trafficking, Genocide Crimes Tribunal P1/2 - ITCCS - YouTube#at=305#!!

Part 2
Pope + Queen Summoned for Child Trafficking, Genocide Crimes Tribunals P2/2 - ITCCS - YouTube


Readers Respond: Ron Paul Wins!

As anyone who has read any of my posts can attest to, I detest politics. IMO, political parties, or political titles are a sham. I have also said a number of times there is a HUGE difference between a politician and a leader.
IE, every president since JFK has been a politician.
Politicians are self-serving hypocrites who have no conscience. They will go wherever the money is - no matter who is handing it out. A politician really doesn't give a damn about the people he or she is supposed to represent. How many times have you heard:
"Compromise is just the way politics works. You have to compromise to get at least some of what you want".
Of course, compromise would be the mindset of a politician. The very statement alone proves the politician is mainly interested in what the politician can get for their self - and the interests of those he or she is supposed to serve come in second.
A leader, on the other hand, stands up for what is the best for the people, no matter how much 'political hay' it may cost them.
IMO, we don't need to add any more bodies, or any new bodies to the cesspool of Washington, DC. IMO, DC should be flushed down the toilet, the buildings dis-infected with roach killer, and then scrubbed clean with bleach.
But that's just my opinion. Most Americans still believe that electing another President will solve their problems.
It won't, but I can't blame them for hoping.
If anyone in the 2012 race is even remotely qualified as a leader, it would be Ron Paul. Paul has been consistent in his message since the 70's when he first took office.
And finally, after 30 years, Paul's message is finding a home in the hearts and minds of the American people.
What is especially refreshing, is Ron Paul has a large percentage of the 20 - 30 something crowd, as well.
I have spoken with a surprising number of people under the age of 30, who have advised me - that Ron Paul is the only candidate they will even consider for President.
When the talking heads out there in the MSM proclaim that Obama is the choice of the younger crowd - it simply ain't so.
In this age group, there is no trust in any of the other candidates, and even less trust for Obama.
The best thing America could do, from here to November 2012 - and beyond - is to laugh at, and ignore the 'media candidates', as if they never existed. Don't talk about them, don't worry about them, don't give them the time of day.
If we must have another President, Ron Paul is the only real potential leader available, so why waste your time on just another run-of-the-mill, parasite politician?
Below are some Email messages I have received from readers:
From Reader LDF
Re: Video: Exposed: Ron Paul Then - Ron Paul Now
Dr. Ron Paul surely did understand very well Thomas Jefferson's quote below:
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed)
From Reader WL
Re: Neocon: 'Ron Paul Supports Global Psychopaths'
Hello Lion,I want to address something if I may.
Ladies and gentlemen,our destiny is in our hands. As its been said, we do not need a CON-gress.
You know damn well that if you elect these bastards its the same thing every time.
They are not in office for "We The People" but for their own agenda or somebody else's.
Why keep putting your hands in hot grease if you know you are going to get burnt??? Heellllooo!
We need to stand up to these bastards if they go against the Constitution.
They talk about raising taxes. As I understand it, the only ones (who are supposed) to be paying the taxes are just those that live within the 10sq mile of DC. The same goes for Felony Crimes.
And not these petty crimes,hint hint. These people in office need to seek for the welfare of the people of the uSA!!
These Muslims that are over here, I'd be sending there ass back to wherever they came from!
Don't come over here and start your damn traditions such as this Sharia Law!!
I'd like to know WHO started this bullshit!? We are supposed to
be Sovereigns and we aren't acting like it.
Why is Obama still in office? He should have been kicked out a long time ago. I don't even consider him President!!
Because he has never given any proof of his eligibilty. These people in office are laughing at you all the way to the bank!!
Why? Because we dont take the time to think outside the box. I leave you with this:
If you have someone knocking on your door at 4am and you notice they're wearing a blue helmet what are you going to do?
Fight or Run? Think about what I've said ladies and gentlemen. I'm a former Marine,I'm inviting a fight,lets see who runs?
3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)
Cheers and Peace.
From Reader JS:
Re: Neocon: 'Ron Paul Supports Global Psychopaths'
Hi Lion
Down here in Texas we all support Ron Paul.
We don't give a dam what the MSM says or don't say about him.
Most if not all MSM are owned by the owners of the federal reserve an international banking cartel that has driven america into the ground.
We are tired of having payboys in the whitehouse, we want someone who can't be bought out by the Rothchild corp criminal machine.
We want someone who wants what we the people want.
We want constitutional law restored, we want Ron Paul and all he stands for including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We don't need a president who lies out the side of his mouth, who promises one thing then does the opposite.
We deserve and want someone who has integrity and who will be loyal to all citizens of this country, not a bunch of political cronies.
That someone is RON PAUL!!!!
Best regards


Messages from Ann & the Angels - 17th September 2011

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 9/17/2011

My dear friends, we love you so very much.
In this season of fall many of you, no matter how old you are, are going "back to school" and this time dear ones the school is self-exploration! It is the season of harvest. Look at your lives right now. They are the harvest of all the choices and beliefs you have planted in the past. Is your life what the harvest you want it to be? If not dear ones, take time to plan a new garden of eden for yourselves. What is it you want in your future? What beliefs must you change to create that? What behaviors must you change? What must you begin in order to take the first steps towards your dreams?

Work on changing those beliefs. Get help in modifying those behaviors. Take those baby steps towards your dreams. You want to create more abundance? Speak abundantly. See the richness all around you. Take time every day to notice the areas in your life where you did experience abundance. Did you see the beautiful sunset? Experience a few moments of utter stillness? Look into the joyful eyes of a child? Get really creative here. You are trying to change your minds so you can change your lives.
Next, what behaviors support your abundance? Are you conscious of how you spend your money? Are you spending on things that make you feel abundant? Most would say, "Dear angels, we are spending all our money on our bills!" For some of you this is true, but if you want more abundance, be very honest with yourself. Keep a record and look at where your money goes. When you buy a cup of coffee or tea, do you sip it with love and appreciation? Does it make you feel abundantly joyful? Or do you simply gulp it down unconsciously and in doing so waste your own money. These may sound like simple things, dear ones, but these simple changes, change your vibration. Why did you not have a dollar in your purse for that lottery ticket you wanted? Is it because you gulped down a cup of coffee or tea and wasted it? Or is it because you bought your coffee or tea and savored every drop, and you feel so rich that you trust the money will always be there when you need it? Which is the richer reality dear friends? You know the answer in your own hearts.

Lastly, what steps must you take, in this example to create more money? What talents do you have that might become a side business? Where can you save a bit more? Be very impeccably honest with yourselves. Be creative. As you begin to take even the smallest steps towards having what you love, you tip your toes in a stream, in this case, of abundance. And as you witness the results, feeling more joyful and abundant in your own life, you will attract more.
Always dear ones, when you want to create, start by examining your beliefs, your behaviors, and your willingness to begin creating change. Be impeccably honest with yourselves. As you dig up the soil of your soul in this season of harvest, and look what the plantings of the past have given you, be ready to plan new garden of edens in your life, to plant new seeds of thought and try new behaviors. Prepare to take actions consistent with your goals! If you wanted tomatoes you would not plant potatoes once again! You are in charge of your lives dear friends, so much more than you can possibly imagine. You can create anything that truly arises within your own heart, for that seed is planted by God.
Enjoy the journey!
God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

The Wall Street Occupation is Underway

Cops guard Wall Street's bull from outraged citizens.

The Occupation of Wall Street by protesters is being broadcast live.

Multiple live feeds, including NY police and fire live audio can be found at link below:

Bank Of America's Backdoor Bailout

Bank Of America's Backdoor Bailout - Dumping Mortgage Trash Onto Taxpayers Via Fannie

Really who wants to argue,that we are not seeing just more of the same old same old.Cheney's mouthpiece has been mocking for weeks,about the status quo remaining the same,while at the same time beating on the guy in the white house like it is his fault that these programs or settlements are not moving forward.People this fraud was going on long before Obama got in the White House.
What I do know for sure about Obama, is that for whatever reason he allows the looting of America to continue unabated,I had hoped he was an honorable man.
FORTUNE -- Taxpayers may not realize it, but they just bailed out Bank of America again, this time to the tune of more than a half billion dollars.
The Charlotte, NC-based bank was one of the biggest recipients of bailout funds during the financial crisis. But Bank of America continues to face deep problems related to its troubled mortgage portfolio and investors have battered the stock, which has plunged over 40% so far this year. That's escalated concerns that the bank may need to raise more capital. Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism has even started a BofA death watch.
But apparently the federal government is determined to resurrect BofA: the Wall Street Journalreports the feds have just used Fannie Mae, which is controlled by the U.S. government, to infuse BofA with $500 million and ease one of the bank's biggest headaches.
Yesterday afternoon on CNBC, Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan mentioned that five of BofA's six businesses were making money. The one black spot was its massive portfolio of problematic mortgages and the liabilities flowing from it. Moynihan also mentioned that BofA had just sold some "mortgage servicing rights" as part of its balance sheet strengthening efforts, but he didn't elaborate.
According to the WSJ, Fannie Mae spent $500 million to buy the servicing rights to a big chunk of the "seven million loans still causing the most problems." Although the $500 million is a paper loss to BofA, in that the rights were "originally worth more," it looks like BofA is still getting a good deal because the portfolio's "value is expected to deteriorate further."

Cooper covers UFO Disclosure


In the first such analysis ever conducted, Swiss economic researchers have conducted a global network analysis of the most powerful transnational corporations (TNCs). Their results have revealed a core of 787 firms with control of 80% of this network, and a “super entity” comprised of 147 corporations that have a controlling interest in 40% of the network’s TNCs.

Strongly Connected Component (SCC); layout of the SCC (1318 nodes and 12,191 links). Node size scales logarithmically with operation revenue, node color with network control (from yellow to red). Link color scales with weight.

[Note to the reader: see the very end of this article for a ranking of the top 50 'control holders']

When we hear conspiracy theorist talk about this or that powerful group (or alliance of said groups) “pulling strings” behind the scenes, we tend to dismiss or minimize such claims, even though, deep down, we may suspect that there’s some degree of truth to it, however distorted by the theorists’ slightly paranoid perception of the world. But perhaps our tendency to dismiss such claims as exaggerations (at best) comes from our inability to get even a slight grip on the complexity of global corporate ownership; it’s all too vast and complicated to get any clear sense of the reality.

But now we have the results of a global network analysis (Vitali, Glattfelder, Battiston) that, for the first time, lays bare the “architecture” of the global ownership network. In the paper abstract, the authors state:

“We present the first investigation of the architecture of the international ownership network, along with the computation of the control held by each global player. We find that transnational corporations form a giant bow-tie structure* and that a large portion of control flows to a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions. This core can be seen as an economic “super-entity” that raises new important issues both for researchers and policy makers.” [emphasis added]

* This “bow tie” structure is similar to the structure of the WWW (analyzing for most influential/most trafficked websites); see diagram below.

A bow-tie consists of in-section (IN), out-section (OUT), strongly connected component or core (SCC), and tubes and tendrils (T&T).

Data from previous studies neither fully supported nor completely disproved the idea that a small handful of powerful corporations dominate much or most of the world’s commerce. The researchers acknowledge previous attempts to analyze such networks, but note that these were limited in scope to national networks which “neglected the structure of control at a global level.”

What was needed, assert the researchers, was a complex network analysis.

“A quantitative investigation is not a trivial task because firms may exert control over other firms via a web of direct and indirect ownership relations which extends over many countries. Therefore, a complex network analysis is needed in order to uncover the structure of control and its implications. “

To start their analysis, the researchers began with a list of 43,060 TNCs which were taken from a sample of 30 million “economic actors” contained in the Orbis 2007 database [see end note]. TNCs were identified according to the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) definition of a transnational corporation [see end note]. They next applied a recursive search algorithm which singled out the “network of all the ownership pathways originating from and pointing to these TNCs.”

The resulting TNC network includes 600,508 nodes and 1,006,987 ownership ties.

Bow-tie structure of the largest connected component (LCC) and other connected components (OCC). Each section volume scales logarithmically with the share of its TNCs operating revenue. In parenthesis, percentage of operating revenue and number of TNCs

In terms of the connectivity of the network, the researchers found that it consists of many small connected components, but the largest one (encompassing 3/4 of all nodes) “contains all the top TNCs by economic value, accounting for 94.2% of the total TNC operating revenue.”

Two generalized characteristics were identified:

1] A strongly connected component (SCC), that is, a set of firms in which every member owns directly and/or indirectly shares in every other member. The emergence of such a structure can be explained as a means of preventing take-overs, reducing transaction costs, risk sharing and increasing trust between “groups of interest.”


2] The largest connect[ed] component contains only one dominant, strongly connected component (comprised of 1347 nodes). This network, like the WWW, has a bow tie structure. What’s more, they found that this component, or core, is also very densely connected; on average, members of this core have ties to 20 other members. “Top actors” occupy the center of the bow tie. In fact, a randomly chosen TNC in the core has about 50% chance of also being among the top holders, as compared to, for example, 6% for the in-section. [emphasis added]

“As a result, about 3/4 of the ownership of firms in the core remains in the hands of firms of the core itself. In other words, this is a tightly-knit group of corporations that cumulatively hold the majority share of each other.”

In examining the details of this core, the analysis also showed that only 737 top holders accumulate 80% of the control over the value of all TNCs (in the analyzed network). Further,

“…despite its small size, the core holds collectively a large fraction of the total network control. In detail, nearly 4/10 of the control over the economic value of TNCs in the world is held, via a complicated web of ownership relations, by a group of 147 TNCs in the core, which has almost full control over itself. The top holders within the core can thus be thought of as an economic “super-entity” in the global network of corporations.” [emphasis added]

Concerning the implications of this super entity, the researchers asked two fundamental questions: First, what are the implications for market competition, and, second, what are the implications for economic stability?

Regarding the first question, the authors assert that no matter the origin of the SCC, due to its high degree of TNC network control, “it weakens market competition”.

It is clear just from the history of anti-trust laws in this country (the U.S.) that concentrated ownership stifles free market competition and innovation, reduces over-all employment, and leads to excessive pricing.

Zoom on some major TNCs in the financial sector. Some cycles are highlighted. Note: data for this analysis comes from the 2007 Orbis database -- prior to the 2008 financial crisis, thus, firms such as Bear Stearns and Lehman Bros. are included.

In regards to the second question, the researchers note that “the existence of such a core in the global market was never documented before and thus, so far, no scientific study demonstrates or excludes that this international ‘super-entity’ has ever acted as a bloc.“

However, there is historical data — such as within the airline, auto and steel industries — supporting this possibility.

“…top holders are at least in the position to exert considerable control, either formally (e.g., voting in shareholder and board meetings) or via informal negotiations.”

Additionally, recent studies (Stiglitz J.E., 2010, Battiston S. et al, 2009) have shown that densely connected financial networks are highly susceptible to systemic risk. Despite the fact that such networks may seem robust in good economic times, in times of crisis however, member firms tend to enter ‘distress mode’ simultaneously. This was seen recently in the 2008 (“near”) financial collapse (note: 3/4 of the network core in this analysis are financial intermediaries).

Calling their findings “remarkable”, they suggest that because “international data sets as well as methods to handle large networks became available only very recently, [this] may explain how this finding could go unnoticed for so long.”

While the researchers acknowledge that verifying whether the implications of their findings “hold true for the global economy” is beyond the scope of their current research, they assert that their unprecedented attempt to uncover the structure of corporate control is “a necessary precondition for future investigations.”

The paper, The network of global corporate control (Vitali, Glattfelder, Battiston) was published July 26, 2011, on

End Notes:

The Orbis 2007 marketing database comprises about 37 million economic actors, both physical persons and firms located in 194 countries, and roughly 13 million directed and weighted ownership links (equity relations). This data set is intended to track control relationships rather than patrimonial relationships. Whenever available, the percentage of ownership refers to shares associated with voting rights. Accordingly, we select those companies which hold at least 10% of shares in companies located in more than one country. Overall we obtain a list of 43,060 TNCs located in 116 different countries, with 5675 TNCs quoted in stock markets.

The definition of TNCs given by the OECD states that they “…comprise companies and other entities established in more than one country and so linked that they may coordinate their operations in various ways…”

Diagrams: (source) The network of global corporate control (Vitali, Glattfelder, Battiston)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Top 50 Control-Holders Ranking:

{source: the following is quoted directly from the research paper]

This is the first time a ranking of economic actors by global control is presented. Notice that many actors belong to the financial sector (NACE codes starting with 65,66,67) and many of the names are well-known global players.

The interest of this ranking is not that it exposes unsuspected powerful players. Instead, it shows that many of the top actors belong to the core. This means that they do not carry out their business in isolation but, on the contrary, they are tied together in an extremely entangled web of control. This finding is extremely important since there was no prior economic theory or empirical evidence regarding whether and how top players are connected.

Shareholders are ranked by network control (according to the threshold model, TM). Columns indicate country, NACE industrial sector code, actor’s position in the bow-tie sections, cumulative network control. Notice that NACE codes starting with 65,66, or 67 belong to the financial sector.

Rank , Economic actor name, Country, NACE code, Network Cumul. Network position, control (TM, %)



3 FMR CORP US 6713 IN 8.94

4 AXA FR 6712 SCC 11.21


6 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO. US 6512 SCC 14.55



9 UBS AG CH 6512 SCC 18.46

10 MERRILL LYNCH & CO., INC. US 6712 SCC 19.45







17 NATIXIS FR 6512 SCC 24.98



20 LEGG MASON, INC. US 6712 SCC 26.92







27 INVESCOPLCGB 6523 SCC 30.82

28 ALLIANZSE DE 7415 SCC 31.32

29 TIAA US 6601 IN 32.24


31 AVIVAPLC GB 6601 SCC 33.14


33 DODGE & COX US 7415 IN 34.00




37 CNCE FR 6512 SCC 35.57




41 INGGROEP N.V. NL 6603 SCC 36.96





46 BNPPARIBAS FR 6512 SCC 38.56





Source: Planetsave (

Dr. Carol Rosin: Staged Artificial 'Alien Invasion' and asteroide/comet threat. NWO final card - Disclosure Project Witness

Dr. Carol Rosin a former NASA scientist turned Disclosure Project witness shares very important information with us. Keep in mind this was back in 2000 before 9/11 back when it was only Oklahoma city and the '93 WTC bombing and they realized they were going to need something bigger...

Krugman in short: award winning economist, won nobels prize in 2008. Anyways, he saids "within the next 18 months". So there you have it. Another confirmation on our/your theories.

Understand, these people just don't care anymore. They have been getting away with it for so long the cockiness and outrageous activity almost becomes a sport. They know just about nobody reads anything they publish (general public) and that if somebody does read it, it is always brushed off as jokes and the good old conspiracy theorist ridicule "excuse" almost. They publish their agendas and talk about their plans to reduce world populations up to 90% and all the eugenics and economic terrorism. its a joke. they got savant compartmentalized experts working on every field and manipulate more or less everybody at the top of the pyramid. social engineering.

Area 51 Scientist Story - Great Information


FEMA Concentration Camps

Locations and Executive Orders


So What's Up With the Big Increase in UFO Reports?

According to an organization that tracks UFO reports, this summer has been an especially busy period for UFO sightings. The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) noted that sightings increased over the past six weeks, with some states more than doubling their normal numbers.

Are we on the cusp of an alien invasion? Or maybe people just have more time on their hands to spot — and report — strange things in the sky?

MUFON International Director Clifford Clift told Life's Little Mysteries that he's not sure what to make of the data at this point. It could be the start of something big, or it could merely be a computer glitch that accidentally counted some reports twice. Another possibility is that we're simply in the midst of a "UFO flap," one of many periodic increases in sightings over the years.

Read more:

Comment from Susan Joy Rennison:

As I have been saying for ther last three years or so, the dramatic increase in UFO reports is because we are experiencing a so-called 'dimensional shift' or the 'veil lifting' as it has been called in the metaphysical community.

This is the Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind and people being ignorant of what is happening is NOT going to change reality. This is absolutely FUNDAMENTAL! Due to Space Weather delivering high energy magnetic and corpuscular matter and changing the fabric of spacetime, it's just going to get more and more obvious that WE ARE NOT ALONE and that the predictions of the RETURN OF THE GODS or THE RETURN OF THE ANCESTORS has been fulfilled.

The metaphysical community have largely failed to explain to the world about what is happening and presumably I can only think that most spiritual leaders don't understand what spiritual really signifies. Don't you think it is incredible that the mainstream have been complaining about the dramatic increase in UFO reports for the last few years, whilst the metaphysical community have largely gone extremely quiet?

I have been talking about living in a cosmic aquarium and it's getting absolutely obvious that these are not spacecrafts, because what conventional spacecraft do you know of that can split up into separate orbs? Our scientists have been studying this plasma lifeform for decades and the military and the PTB already know the truth, but they are too embarrassed to admit that a lifeform exists that they have no control over.


Agartha - Inner Earth The Hollow Earth Theory (Videos) & (Sites)

Here is some material for thoses that want to learn more
                    about the inner earth & Agartha.

Hollow Earth | Disclosure | 2012


Here is a 7 part video. >>>
Hollow Earth Hyperborea Agartha Shambhala 1of7 - YouTube

Here is some Sheldan Nidle info on inner earth. >>>
Agartha - Inner Earth The Hollow Earth Theory Video

AGHARTA - El Reino Subterraneo de la Tierra

China to 'liquidate' US Treasuries

A key rate setter-for China's central bank let slip – or was it a slip? – that Beijing aims to run down its portfolio of US debt as soon as safely possible.

"We would like to buy stakes in Boeing, Intel, and Apple, and maybe we should invest in these types of companies in a proactive way."

"Once the US Treasury market stabilizes we can liquidate more of our holdings of Treasuries," he said.

To my knowledge, this is the first time that a top adviser to China's central bank has uttered the word "liquidate".

We don't know how much US debt is held by SAFE (State Administration of Foreign Exchange), the bank's FX arm. The figure is thought to be over $2.2 trillion.

The Chinese are clearly vexed with Washington, viewing the Fed's QE as a stealth default on US debt. 

The Time has Arrived for Ancient Sacred Truths, Hidden Knowledge to be Revealed

Hi Folks,

Talk about mind expanding.... WOW!!

This presentation was absolutely mind blowing!! If you don't have time to watch the whole video now, please save for later... this is an absolute MUST SEE!!



PS. The video says 'part 1' but is actually complete in itself, Part 2 is basically the same presentation at a different date, with maybe a little bit different information..


As Above So Below

This Science of 'as above so below' is the most ancient universal system of harmonizing man with his natural surrounds! The stars above and the stars below, ie: our own bodies. Mankind is in harmony with Nature only when he realizes that he is the microcosm of the Universe and a Galaxy unto himself.

Man has lost this profound knowledge over the past few thousand years due to the Precession of the Equinoxes. The dark history of the recent past was foretold by the ancients. Hesiod, Hermes and many others foretold a time when the understanding of the sacred truths would become obscure and the knowledge would have to go underground to be preserved for a future time. That time has now arrived.

Part 2


Comet Elenin actually does appear to be fading away

If Hoagland's theory of "intelligent design" of Elenin is correct, this could represent the loss of an outer cometary shell of material, leaving behind something small, artificial, and hard to see, unless it decides to "do something". Or of course it could be just "going out with a whimper", leaving us to wonder what we got excited about. The "great alignment" in in ten days; the closest approach, if there is anything left to approach, is in October.

Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed - EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH BENJAMIN FULFORD -- BY DAVID WILCOCK

80 different countries have now formed an alliance against the Old World Order / Nazi-esque cabal.
Two huge underground cities were destroyed on August 23rd -- which may be seen by historians as the critical moment in which the war was won.

On Wednesday, September 14th, 2011, I interviewed one of the most interesting and controversial figures on Earth.
The information in this interview has the potential to rock the world. If the story is true, it already has.
The full, unabridged transcript of this interview follows – and you can download and listen to it yourself here:
Please do not make YouTube videos out of this MP3, though you are welcome to use excerpts of it in your own creative work.
Link your readers and listeners to this article instead, as it contains critical information not in the audio version that shouldn’t be lost.
Headlines and extra comments have been added to enhance readability and context for the interview.
The best way to get you started on this amazing journey is just to hit the ground running. So here we go…



Friday, 16 September 2011

SaLuSa, September 16, 2011

Our mission has been linked with you for a long, long time. We have followed your progress even going back to the earlier civilisations, of which Atlantis and Lemuria are the most recent ones known to you. We have always had some influence on your evolution, but that is only to the extent that we are allowed to do so. The freewill factor has played an important part in your experiences, and we would not interfere with what you have created for that purpose. Guidance is permitted, and assistance to Mother Earth that has been more direct in recent times. The Creator decreed that Ascension would complete your cycle of duality, and we have the honour and responsibility to see you through to completion. 

We would remind you that unlike your previous cycle, in your present one we have had the authority to intervene in no uncertain manner. Otherwise the dark Ones would by now have destroyed the Earth, and all life upon it. This time round it is the conclusion of your experiences in duality, and is why you will soon meet your ancestors from the Inner Earth. Where your consciousness levels are concerned, you have progressed sufficiently to renew your link with them and will learn about your past history together. It will not be entirely new to you all, as contact has been made with them from time to time from those who found themselves entering the Inner Earth. The most notable ones are Admiral Byrd and Colonel Billie Faye Woodard whose experiences are well documented.

Dear Ones, the truth can at times be far more extraordinary than fiction, although your fiction writers have often been inspired to reveal it to you. When you look back at Star Trek it is one such T.V. program that has consciously or otherwise prepared you for our coming. In the Galactic Federation there are numerous civilisations that are most human in appearance, but also those who are quite different. One thing they all have in common is a level of spiritual consciousness that has enabled them to join us. You must therefore meet them to experience their flowing energy of love, and any fear will be immediately evaporated as looks alone can be deceiving.

We would remind you that your civilisation has been granted membership to the Galactic Federation, but that will obviously only apply to those of you who ascend and have a sufficiently high level of consciousness No one does the choosing as your readiness is quite easily discerned by us, and that often quoted Law of Attraction comes into it. We would hasten to add that all souls will eventually reach the higher level, and the time factor is of no consequence as you have all infinity to do it. The key factor is associated with what you choose to experience, and how long you desire to continue with it. Also remember at this point, that you were once Light Beings of a very high status. You were keen to experience the lower vibrations, knowing it would expand your consciousness enabling you to help others who may follow in your path.

Life is just one great adventure that is never ending, as the Creator is ever dreaming into being more creations. Ahead of you lies great challenges and opportunities to serve others. Service to self soon changes to service to all souls, and will find yourselves becoming part of a group consciousness. It is the path of natural evolution, until you finally become One with the Source of all That Is. But by your reckoning, it is a long way off and there is still a long way to travel.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and would say without meaning to be derogatory, that the Human Civilisation has been at the level of an Infants School. That has been the result of losing your higher levels of consciousness, which happened when you dropped down through the different dimensions to where you are now. In fact you have made wonderful progress in a mere 30 years or so since the Harmonic Convergence. Be assured that you have worked hard to lift your selves up, and have succeeded. Help has always been there for you, and many souls have responded to the call and joined you on Earth. The result is that you have become true Beings of Light, and we love your determination to reach Ascension. Bless you each and every one.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

Obama may be in trouble with the U.S. Supreme Court

This will be an interesting turn of events if it does come to the surface.....bring it on!!

Our New Dictator May Be In Deep Trouble...with Chief Justice John Roberts, U.S. Supreme Court.
According to sources who watch the inner workings of the federal government, a smack-down of Barack Obama by the U.S. Supreme Court may be inevitable.

Ever since Obama assumed the office of President, critics have hammered him on a number of Constitutional issues. Critics have complained that much, if not all of Obama's major initiatives run headlong into Constitutional roadblocks on the power of the federal government. Obama certainly did not help himself in the eyes of the Court when he used the venue of the State of the Union address early in the year to publicly flog the Court over its ruling that the First Amendment grants the right to various organizations to run political ads during the time of an election.  The tongue-lashing clearly did not sit well with the Court, as demonstrated by Justice Sam Alito, who publicly shook his head and stated under his breath, 'That's not true,' when Obama told a flat-out lie concerning the Court's ruling. As it has turned out, this was a watershed moment in the relationship between the executive and the judicial branches of the federal government. Obama publicly declared war on the court , even as he blatantly continued to propose legislation that flies in the face of every known Constitutional principle upon which this nation has stood for over 200 years.

Obama has even identified Chief Justice John Roberts as his number one enemy, that is, apart from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and so on... And it is no accident that the one swing-vote on the court, Justice Anthony Kennedy, stated recently that he has no intention of retiring until 'Obama is gone.' Apparently, the Court has had enough.

 The Roberts Court has signaled, in a very subtle manner, of course, that it intends to address the issues about which Obama critics have been screaming to high heaven.  A ruling against Obama on any one of these important issues could potentially cripple the Administration.  Such a thing would be long overdue.

First, there is ObamaCare, which violates the Constitutional principle barring the federal government from forcing citizens to purchase something. And no, this is not the same thing as states requiring drivers to purchase car insurance, as some of theintellectually-impaired claim. The Constitution limits FEDERAL government, not state governments, from such things, and further, not everyone has to drive, and thus, a citizen could opt not to purchase car insurance by simply deciding not to drive a vehicle. In the ObamaCare world, however, no citizen can 'opt out.'

Second, sources state that the Roberts court has quietly accepted information concerning discrepancies in Obama's history that raise serious questions about his eligibility for the office of President.  The charge goes far beyond the birth certificate issue. Thisinformation involves possible fraudulent use of a Social Security number in Connecticut, while Obama was a high school student inHawaii, double citizenship, natural born...and others. 

And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Third, several cases involving possible criminal activity, conflicts of interest, and pay-for-play cronyism could potentially land many Administration officials, if not Obama himself, in hot water with the Court. Frankly, in the years this writer has observed politics, nothing comes close to comparing with the rampant corruption of this Administration, not even during the Nixon years. Nixon and the Watergate conspirators look like choirboys compared to the jokers that populate this Administration.

In addition, the Court will eventually be forced to rule on the dreadful decision of the Obama DOJ suing the state of Arizona. That, too, could send the Obama doctrine of open borders to an early grave, given that the Administration refuses to enforce federal law on illegal aliens.

And finally, the biggie that could potentially send the entire house of cards tumbling in a free-fall is the latest revelation concerning the Obama-Holder Department of Justice and its refusal to pursue the New Black Panther Party. The group was caught on tape committing felonies by attempting to intimidate Caucasian voters into staying away from the polls. A whistle-blower who resigned from the DOJ is now charging Holder with the deliberate refusal to pursue cases against Blacks, particularly those who are involved in radical hate-groups, such as the New Black Panthers, who have been caught on tape calling for the murder of white people and their babies.  This one is a biggie that could send the entire Administration crumbling--that is, if the Justices have the guts to draw a line in the sand at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And also the ATF and DOJ and the gun sales under Fast and Furious. 


Source: Nesara News