Thursday, 15 September 2011

The Event we are near is the global reset of the entire world economy.

From the Dinar Recap website today, 9-14-11

I am no guru but I think everyone should read this. The Truth 09/14/2011

We are standing at the preciface of one of the most profound events in the history of mankind. The RV of the Iraqi dinar...NOT. The event we are near is the global reset of the entire world economy. A "pairing" if you will, of the monitary system of every, (or most) central banks around the globe.

In this act the monies of the world will come together so as to allow a sort of equal footing for everyone to be able to afford a certain type of lifestyle. Not all countrys will of course allow there people to lavish in the rewards of this change, but many will. By that I mean, prices of food, clothing, and other essentials will be more readily avialable to the masses. A sharing of the wealth so to speak.

In the beginning of this project IT WAS only about Iraq and the enrichment of very few, the illuminati if you will. It was NEVER about you and I. It was never about an entire reset of the global economy. This has evolved to this by others seeing how they too can benefit by this kind of action. There inlies the reason for all the time that has taken place for everything to come to fruition. Albiet Iraq, and there get ready problems have been a very large part.

We as dinarians have come to love to listen to the guru's on these sites as our leaders. They all have answers, (or not) to the questions we have and cannot answer ourselves. Do they really have all the answers? Not always. But they are the best ones we have, bar none. They are right in the sence that there hearts are in the right place, there intentions are good. I really believe that. Are there "answers" always right? Well we know the answer to that. Do they directly attempt to mislead us? Not for one second do I think that. And we continue to wait for more, addicted to these sites, starving for this to come through. Drooling over every post.

As I have stated before I an not a real religious man but spiritual. I currently am not happy with our government but not just this administration, There have been others before this. I will not blame this one. THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS OR POLITICAL POST. THIS IS A ATTITUDE POST.

I understand that there are a lot of us dinarians who really NEED this thing to come down. Myself included. The economy, has taken it's toll. I do blame the government for that. Not everyone should be in there own home, (The truth is some people were born to be renters), simple. not everybody can afford one. But that is another subject alltogether, not here.

Now if you please a bit about the spiritual/attitude. Please bare with me on this it will not go to far. We have been sitting here with bated breath waiting for the illusive golden dinar, and still we wait. The one difference is this...I have not counted my "chickens" I always keep my head and know I will NOT EVER sit by and EXPECT all will be over ASN. just not going to happen. I do kmow the RV will happen, just not when. At the same time I DO NOT ever blame the guru"s. I have always believed that they have been misled, as to timing. Unless some can produce difinitive proof than everyone and I do mean everyone should take there bad attitude with them out side and yell at a tree or something.

I BELIEVE in the dinar and have from the very beginning, from the first time someone mentioned it to me, and still do.

Things happen for a reason, nothing more or less, FACT. Take that to the bank the next time you hear something you do not like, I am not saying not to question, I'm saying your opinion does count but, your tongue does hurt.

I have and will keep the "cautiously opptomistic" attitude and therefore keep myself level. If you decide to also keep yourself level you might just find this ride a little easier. Patience is what it takes.

When we act out, we tend to show Non appreciation in where we are. I believe we were chosen to be exactly where we are. The way we handle ourselves tells a lot about a person. I think that the more we appreciate and the less we expect the more we get overall.

Well enough for now. I hope you get the meaning behind this. A bit rambling, but produced with love in mind. Thanks for listening.

Love each other and yourself...

Source: Nesara News

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