According to an organization that tracks UFO reports, this summer has been an especially busy period for UFO sightings. The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) noted that sightings increased over the past six weeks, with some states more than doubling their normal numbers.
Are we on the cusp of an alien invasion? Or maybe people just have more time on their hands to spot — and report — strange things in the sky?
MUFON International Director Clifford Clift told Life's Little Mysteries that he's not sure what to make of the data at this point. It could be the start of something big, or it could merely be a computer glitch that accidentally counted some reports twice. Another possibility is that we're simply in the midst of a "UFO flap," one of many periodic increases in sightings over the years.
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Comment from Susan Joy Rennison:
As I have been saying for ther last three years or so, the dramatic increase in UFO reports is because we are experiencing a so-called 'dimensional shift' or the 'veil lifting' as it has been called in the metaphysical community.
This is the Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind and people being ignorant of what is happening is NOT going to change reality. This is absolutely FUNDAMENTAL! Due to Space Weather delivering high energy magnetic and corpuscular matter and changing the fabric of spacetime, it's just going to get more and more obvious that WE ARE NOT ALONE and that the predictions of the RETURN OF THE GODS or THE RETURN OF THE ANCESTORS has been fulfilled.
The metaphysical community have largely failed to explain to the world about what is happening and presumably I can only think that most spiritual leaders don't understand what spiritual really signifies. Don't you think it is incredible that the mainstream have been complaining about the dramatic increase in UFO reports for the last few years, whilst the metaphysical community have largely gone extremely quiet?
I have been talking about living in a cosmic aquarium and it's getting absolutely obvious that these are not spacecrafts, because what conventional spacecraft do you know of that can split up into separate orbs? Our scientists have been studying this plasma lifeform for decades and the military and the PTB already know the truth, but they are too embarrassed to admit that a lifeform exists that they have no control over.
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