IE, every president since JFK has been a politician.
Politicians are self-serving hypocrites who have no conscience. They will go wherever the money is - no matter who is handing it out. A politician really doesn't give a damn about the people he or she is supposed to represent. How many times have you heard:
"Compromise is just the way politics works. You have to compromise to get at least some of what you want".
Of course, compromise would be the mindset of a politician. The very statement alone proves the politician is mainly interested in what the politician can get for their self - and the interests of those he or she is supposed to serve come in second.
A leader, on the other hand, stands up for what is the best for the people, no matter how much 'political hay' it may cost them.
IMO, we don't need to add any more bodies, or any new bodies to the cesspool of Washington, DC. IMO, DC should be flushed down the toilet, the buildings dis-infected with roach killer, and then scrubbed clean with bleach.
But that's just my opinion. Most Americans still believe that electing another President will solve their problems.
It won't, but I can't blame them for hoping.
If anyone in the 2012 race is even remotely qualified as a leader, it would be Ron Paul. Paul has been consistent in his message since the 70's when he first took office.
And finally, after 30 years, Paul's message is finding a home in the hearts and minds of the American people.
What is especially refreshing, is Ron Paul has a large percentage of the 20 - 30 something crowd, as well.
I have spoken with a surprising number of people under the age of 30, who have advised me - that Ron Paul is the only candidate they will even consider for President.
When the talking heads out there in the MSM proclaim that Obama is the choice of the younger crowd - it simply ain't so.
In this age group, there is no trust in any of the other candidates, and even less trust for Obama.
The best thing America could do, from here to November 2012 - and beyond - is to laugh at, and ignore the 'media candidates', as if they never existed. Don't talk about them, don't worry about them, don't give them the time of day.
If we must have another President, Ron Paul is the only real potential leader available, so why waste your time on just another run-of-the-mill, parasite politician?
Below are some Email messages I have received from readers:
From Reader LDF
Re: Video: Exposed: Ron Paul Then - Ron Paul Now
Dr. Ron Paul surely did understand very well Thomas Jefferson's quote below:
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed)
From Reader WL
Re: Neocon: 'Ron Paul Supports Global Psychopaths'
Hello Lion,I want to address something if I may.
Ladies and gentlemen,our destiny is in our hands. As its been said, we do not need a CON-gress.
You know damn well that if you elect these bastards its the same thing every time.
They are not in office for "We The People" but for their own agenda or somebody else's.
Why keep putting your hands in hot grease if you know you are going to get burnt??? Heellllooo!
We need to stand up to these bastards if they go against the Constitution.
They talk about raising taxes. As I understand it, the only ones (who are supposed) to be paying the taxes are just those that live within the 10sq mile of DC. The same goes for Felony Crimes.
And not these petty crimes,hint hint. These people in office need to seek for the welfare of the people of the uSA!!
These Muslims that are over here, I'd be sending there ass back to wherever they came from!
Don't come over here and start your damn traditions such as this Sharia Law!!
I'd like to know WHO started this bullshit!? We are supposed to
be Sovereigns and we aren't acting like it.
Why is Obama still in office? He should have been kicked out a long time ago. I don't even consider him President!!
Because he has never given any proof of his eligibilty. These people in office are laughing at you all the way to the bank!!
Why? Because we dont take the time to think outside the box. I leave you with this:
If you have someone knocking on your door at 4am and you notice they're wearing a blue helmet what are you going to do?
Fight or Run? Think about what I've said ladies and gentlemen. I'm a former Marine,I'm inviting a fight,lets see who runs?
3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)
Cheers and Peace.
From Reader JS:
Re: Neocon: 'Ron Paul Supports Global Psychopaths'
Hi Lion
Down here in Texas we all support Ron Paul.
We don't give a dam what the MSM says or don't say about him.
Most if not all MSM are owned by the owners of the federal reserve an international banking cartel that has driven america into the ground.
We are tired of having payboys in the whitehouse, we want someone who can't be bought out by the Rothchild corp criminal machine.
We want someone who wants what we the people want.
We want constitutional law restored, we want Ron Paul and all he stands for including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We don't need a president who lies out the side of his mouth, who promises one thing then does the opposite.
We deserve and want someone who has integrity and who will be loyal to all citizens of this country, not a bunch of political cronies.
That someone is RON PAUL!!!!
Best regards
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