Thursday, 15 September 2011

Benjamin Fulford - Its All Coming Down!

This letter came in and confirms what I have been hearing from my sources in Europe, Japan and the US. We are near the end game. Humanity is about to be freed. 
Dear Benjamin,

It is all coming down :-
The meeting between the 57 Finance Ministers from around the world that took place on board a ship off the coast of Monaco is beginning to quietly emerge as a powerful and dynamic shift in Global Economics and potentially in Global Politics as former Presidents and Prime Ministers of countries who have sided with the Banking Cabal, are now already jumping ship and supporting the growing movement toward proper financial management of the Global Accounts around the World.
A cataclysmic shift in both Global Politics and Economics is now well under way. World Governments are coming to understand how the Global Banking System is systematically looting entire economies through theft, fraud, deception and manipulation, which in turn forces Governments to raise taxes that citizens should not have to pay.
At the meeting of 57 an understanding was created and this understanding has been formalized by the Co-Hosts of that meeting, the Swiss Government.  Our internal information indicates more than 80 Governments have issued the Acknowledgement of Memorandum of the Agreement and will formally sign when all Governments who have been invited to sign, formally do so.  Also from internal sources, we know that many more Governments will sign. Governments are starting to wise up to what are the underlying causes of financial disaster around the World. Their response is simple and if it could be paraphrased it would be “It is time to get these bums who think they run the world from behind closed doors and drown them like the rats they are”.
This now means that those, who in their arrogance sought to dominate and control the masses through their subterfuge and fraud, have deluded themselves into a corner from where there is now no escape for them. The entire financial mess the world is in will now prove to be a mirage that we, the innocent taxpayer, have been led to believe in.  Banks will soon be forced to abide by their Charters and to undertake business strictly according to their Charters.  The days of moving public income to the private side ledgers of the banks while they move their private liabilities to the public side ledgers are almost over.
The Banks have blamed the public for overspending.  Yet when the economy was hit in 2008 and there was need to provide the TARP funds to keep banks solvent, the banking gurus decided the citizens needed to spend more to kick start the economy. Then the Banks blame all the problems on the taxpayer, when in truth it was the Banks who were stealing and gambling with funds they mirrored from the Global Accounts for underwriting purposes.  In fact, they actually called the Global Account bonds as “Casino Bonds”.   I can bet, Heads I win and Tails, I don’t lose…the collateral accounts do. Great deal.
The whole thing was started when white dragon society members had 134.5 Billion in bearer bonds stolen from them by Daniele dal Bosco and a renegade officer of the now defunct Office of International Treasury Control (OITC), David Sale.  Sale, who despised his former boss Ray C. Dam deliberately set about to malign Ray C Dam and another former officer of OITC, a White Dragon, to Cambodian press and on various internet sites and Sale eventually sent documents he forged to Cambodian Police with the intention of incriminating Ray C. Dam and the White Dragon.  Sale believed he could take over OITC by conspiring with Giancarlo Bruno and others from the World Economic Forum, who in turn conspired to embroil and indeed did involve Ban Ki Moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations, in the illegal use of Bonds stolen from the White Dragons.
We have a world where the conveniences of power, money and deceit transform into levels of corruption, fraud and theft that stagger the mind with their proportions. We have people who see what is right and needs to be done, being ambushed by situations that destroy them as being useful in fighting the cabal that has threatened to enslave the world.
What nobody realized would happen, did happen.  
When the OITC member became friends with the White Dragon Society, not enemies, that friendship was based on doing what is right and best for the world even in the face of the darkest and most blatant threats against their lives. A gunfight took place near the White Dragon member's  home between those who would eliminate him and those who have been sent there to protect him. A known mafioso was caught near the home of a another White Dragon in Switzerland who had been helping. Sale made attempts to hire people in Italy to eliminate yet another White Dragon. Recently he had a very narrow escape when three heavy bags dropped from possibly as high as 35 floors above missed him by mere inches.  Ray C. Dam was imprisoned for more than eight months in Cambodia and we know people were paid to dispose of him permanently an activity that it seems the Government of Cambodia tolerated and the United States Government refused to render any assistance to Dam, a United States citizen.  He only survived due to the efforts of the White Dragon Society members. These men know the dangers, as key people who were close to them have been eliminated in the past. A White Dragon friend Joe Bendana died in very suspicious circumstances in New Jersey. Another friend was lost in Andreas Jawurek, a Swiss lawyer who pushed the envelope too far with one of the banks and who was found with a gunshot wound to the head.
 White Dragon Society members presented the plans they developed and their intentions to the Governments who attended the meeting in Monaco and the Governments like it.  One key White Dragon  may have his enemies, but he has emerged from over 20 years of working around the Global Accounts to become one of the very few in the world with a true understanding of economics as they relate to these accounts. Another one is a pit bull that knows no fear and has the clarity of mind and purpose that staggers the imagination.
The plan calls for a complete reigning in of the banks and to force them to work according to their Charters, and bankers who fail to comply will face the consequences of their actions. In America, it has been estimated that the US Debt could be eliminated with less than four years through this one device. Taxes could be driven down to their lowest level since the beginning of the nineteenth century.
It is estimated that taxes on the people could be reduced heavily and in many cases eliminated. This is done simply by forcing Banks to pay back to Treasury what they have been stealing in almost every country in the World. Force them to make proper pass back to Treasury Direct instead of stealing the wealth of their clients through fraud and deception.
Put this together with proper oversight, which will take men of resolve and courage such as the above mentioned White Dragons, men who understand the real cause of economic problems, and then the economic problems we are told exist, will simply vanish, for they are no more than a mirage. If you do not believe this, then add the trillions in profits that banks tender as trading profits and the bonuses they pay themselves for the United States alone, and you will have considerably more than the annual deficit growth. Are these earnings from honest labor?   Not at all. They are the earnings gained from misrepresentation, fraud,  theft, deception and manipulation. The steal the homes of hard working people, people who have been disadvantaged by the rush of banks to pay shareholders ever increasing dividends and themselves ever increasing salaries and bonuses.
Clean up the trading markets of banks and ensure money goes where it is supposed to go.
Once the accounts are in the hands of men who will ensure they are used as they should be, then the problems the world faces today in the disenfranchisement of the working middle class will cease. All countries will have equitable access to the Global Accounts, no matter what their politics.
This change is coming. The countries that have already decided their assets within the Global Accounts System shall be brought under proper control have also decided that Keenan and Scott, the men who have defined where the problems really lie and have fearlessly moved to resolve these problems should also be the men who will oversee the accounts.
We are on the cusp of a whole new era for the world.
One thing the “rats” should realize, no matter how powerful they think they are, Governments make the laws. In the end, these rats that own the Federal Reserve System and the Global Banking System are subject to law, and their days manipulating politicians will come to a very hard end as the politicians wake up.
Senior International Finance official.  

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